Do You Create Results with 100% Certainty?
In the last edition of The Infinite Business Newsletter, I talked about the vital importance of innovation (aka continual improvement ). The commitment to always be striving for new, better and different allows your company to stay relevant and service your clients even better. I’m always shocked to discover most businesses fail to use one of the most powerful tools in their tool box when it comes to finding out EXACTLY how to service their clients better (Maybe it’s obvious, therefore it’s often missed)... And if you aren’t doing this to some degree in your business, it’s never too late to start… One of the quickest ways to innovate and take steps to improve your business is by asking the most important person or people in your business . Who are the most important people in any business? Your clients. Your clients are the BEST people to go to when you seek improvement suggestions, ideas for new products or services, or to discover future wants, needs, and desires. ...