Is your website cutting it?

I don’t need to preach to you about the importance of a web presence. A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, you might have even been able to get away without having a website. But in today’s world, the consumer market literally expects it.

A whopping 84% of today’s consumer market believe a website makes your business more credible than companies who just only have social media pages.

People who can’t find a website for a business will automatically discount it as NOT LEGIT.

There is no doubt about it. People are going to check you out to answer this big question in their mind:

“Is this person for real?”

They’re going to check out your website. They’re going to search for you on Google. They are going to try and find out all the information that they can on you.

When they do find you, they will start looking for anything inconsistent (it’s just human nature).

What we’re ALL looking for is TRUST when we are looking to buy or invest in something important.

Like it or not, people are constantly making decisions every time they’re watching a video or they go to a page on your website. They are looking for answers to these questions:

“Is this person for real?”

“Can they really help me?”

“Can this product or service really solve my problem?”

“Is this the company for me?”

“Are we aligned?”

It’s incumbent upon each of us as Entrepreneurs and business owners to make that decision a NO-BRAINER for them.

So the most important question you should be asking yourself now is…

How effective is MY website?

We wondered the same, so we threw an offer out to our list. The offer was to get their website evaluated by our expert team and get at least 3 immediate wins to help them convert more leads.

Here’s what happened…

  • Ben discovered how to optimize his prospect journey so his visitors are 100% confident they have landed in the right place, AND how to make it crystal clear to his audience exactly what he wants them to do.

Our strategist also revealed what Ben’s prospects REALLY want and how to convey that message and positioning in a way that resonates with his target audience at a high level.

Hint: No matter what you think, the truth is, your prospects really don’t want what it is you sell… What they really want is the result your product or service will provide them.

  • Brad was surprised to learn he had no clear CTA on his website…He also discovered an incredible way to showcase the power of transformation when it comes to leveraging his social proof. Our strategist also revealed one of the biggest missing elements on Brad’s site that most others don’t consider either…

Hint: People buy from people. Erasing the human-to-human element can definitely dissuade your audience and hurt your conversion rate.

Now you may be asking yourself, “Why would I watch a critique of someone else’s website?”

Short answer: The same advice our expert team gave to another business owner about their website, could very well apply to you and yours.

Always remember, sometimes the smallest hinges swing the biggest doors.

To your success,


P.S. Recruitment and Hiring is the #1 Entrepreneurial Blind Spot which is why most avoid it like the plague…

Let’s face it, the entire process can be utterly frustrating & time consuming, AND often results in attracting and hiring the WRONG talent for your team and/or business.

But what if ALL the heavy-lifting was done for you, and you were only handed the highest qualified candidates that checked every box you were looking for?

Head to this link to see if Nitrogen Hiring Network™ could be your talent recruitment solution.

P.P.S. Not sure how to find and attract more of your ideal clients? If you have a proven high ticket offer, we know EXACTLY how to fill your pipeline with a constant stream of qualified and highly-motivated leads through our exclusive Leads on Demand™ program.

Simply click this link for more details.

Digital Marketing Expert


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