馃専 Unveiling the Mystical Journey of Pisces: An Intense Tarot Revelation on Rumble Today 馃専

The Truth Emerges ⚔️

King of Swords right off the bat ⚔️! The truth, the facts, and nothing but the truth about the past. Sagittarius energy is balancing out the truth of the past. Pisces, you might be too honest sometimes. You believe the truth will prevail. The star gets a brand new passionate beginning because of believing the truth will be revealed, either legally, religiously, or spiritually.

Revelation and Vindication ❄️

Some truth is going to be revealed. Someone was investigating you, trying to win something. They didn’t win anything; they got ghosted and left out in the cold ❄️. Pisces don’t care who you are; they will leave you if something isn’t balanced or aligned. Sagittarius and Aries are here with the King of Wands. Whatever was hidden from you is about to show itself. They’re going to take a leap of faith towards you because they feel you’re emotionally balanced.

Recognizing Your Worth 馃挭

Maybe they didn’t see the gift that you were; they saw everything that was wrong and nothing that was right. The Queen of Cups is their own boss 馃挭. This person could have been a divine counterpart, but they chose not to see you. That’s on them, not you. The truth is you’ve been through enough defending yourself against these flying monkeys 馃悞 for no reason because you didn’t do anything to them.

Balancing the Past and Moving Forward

Balancing out the past will show you didn’t do anything to these people. They denied your existence. You don’t look like what you’ve been through, and I feel like you’re taking a leap of faith towards Spirit. Aries energy, you’re acting on truth and principle. Someone sees that now, but they didn’t see it before. They saw what they wanted to see and now they’re sad because they passed up on unconditional love. You would have loved them no matter what, Pisces. I think you still do, but you are crystal clear about their intentions now.

The Approach of Fairness and Love 馃拲

Someone wants you to be attracted to them. The High Priestess, the Empress, the Hierophant, someone knows they have to be fair, especially in finances. You’re about to hear from this person in August. Page of Swords, King of Cups, this person’s been watching you for quite some time. They want marriage 馃拲. One of these people wants marriage.

Truth and Justice Revealed

The Chariot, Ace of Swords, and Page of Swords, someone wants to tell you the truth about a marriage or a home. You’ll get the information by next month, August or September. Someone tried to get you to settle for less than you deserve. Someone in the past painted you as flighty, not solid, poor. You’ve had enough of that crap. Poor is as poor acts. If you act poor, you’ll be poor.

Claiming Your Rightful Place 馃挵

This is something that belongs to you, Pisces: a house, money, inheritance, wealth 馃挵 because you’re the next in line. Someone wanted to give you a page so you wouldn’t see this because they didn’t think you were good enough to have it. How does it feel now, Skippy? Leo energy and there’s the King of Wands. This person could feel like a page compared to your Ten of Pentacles, Pisces, but they want to marry you.

Letting Go of Confusion

Two of Swords, Four of Cups, someone’s letting go of confusion. They’re having the strength to let go of some kind of confusion. Knight of Cups and the Death card, this could be about a marriage, inheritance, and all kinds of stuff. Someone’s going to apologize to you for putting you through so much. Either they put you through it, they were part of it, or they didn’t engage at all.

Moving Ahead with Clarity

Someone watched you go through a lot and they don’t want to fight anymore. They don’t want to play anymore; they just want to move ahead. This could be a child. Someone wants to work something out; they walked away from something else. Judgment and the Tower, then the Death card and the Six of Swords. Someone found out some kind of truth, and that’s why they want to apologize.

Overcoming Betrayal 馃挃

Could be your own family did magic on you, tried to unalive you. I think you moved away from these people and that was the best thing to do at that time. They’re sorry now; they don’t want to fight anymore but I do believe it’s over. There’s nothing you can do to make up for trying to unalive someone. There’s no coming back from that. It hurts my heart 馃挃. Pisces, it’s going to be a brand new beginning for you, but someone really did you dirty.

Embracing Strength and Success

The strength lies with you, Pisces, and there’s nothing anyone can say against that. They can’t do anything. Your success is proof. Keeping you a secret came out in reverse; they can’t keep you a secret anymore. Out of jealousy and envy, they tried to break a contract, set the record straight by burning evidence because everything’s falling apart and they’re doing stuff they shouldn’t be doing. Very toxic.

The Downfall of Deception 馃槨

They’re destroyed and angry 馃槨. Be careful, Pisces, because I still feel like they don’t want to compromise. It’s over though, as long as you let it be over. Maybe it’s something you need to let go of even if it hurts. Their plan backfired; it didn’t work. You’re still here, still doing you.

Reclaiming Your Journey

There’s a house here. Someone’s going to lose the fight with their journey because they tried to steal it and they didn’t get it. Instead of working for it, they tried to take it. Instead of compromising, they tried to take it at your expense. It hurts my heart to think someone would go this far just for money.

Rising Above Betrayal and Embracing the Future

This was a setup to hurt you even worse than you’ve already been hurt, to take something that didn’t belong to them: your journey, your future, your success. They failed. They can’t watch or stalk you anymore. They don’t have the means. Whatever they took from you, it’s been taken from them. They’re burning evidence but there’s something they can’t burn.



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